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Compassionately Observing Vibrations Inspired by the Divine

On March 15, 2020, I put a note on the door of The Loving Piece stating that the shop would be closed for two weeks, reopening March 31st. Well, that time has obviously come and gone. Here we are 2 and 1/2 months later and the note has since been taken off of the door, the checklist that I compiled of things I wanted to get done during the “two week period” has been completed many times over. The thing that I was not expecting tho, was the healing that was going to be taking place within the close knit people around me and specifically myself.

I have many times gotten encased in the, well the masses are doing it, perhaps I need to. That went on for about the first two weeks of this reset and then I finally decided that it did not feel right for me and therefore, I wasn’t going to do it. Instead, I did things on the personal level. I took these past 2 months plus and began a self-care/.love regime for myself. Now, what I did and what I continue to do is right for no one else, but me and THAT was the greatest lesson that I am taking away from this reset. I did things that I needed to do, things that I had been neglecting and many of those things were what my soul had been craving and that was compassion for myself.

I intertwine myself with a small, tight-knit group of people that I consider my tribe, my healers, my friends, my family and with that being said, many conversations have struck up between me and these “stars”…One of which occurred about two weeks ago and it was involving what the other person was dealing with and her specific words were, “Covid is making me sappy as hell!” I immediately went into another dimension and knew that it was something more than what we were dealing with on a 3-D level. After a few moments, a uniting of the minds with my son, and checking in, lead me to this…the timeframe that many refer to as COVID-19 was now, defined for me as, Compassionately Observing Vibrations Inspired by the Divine.

This time frame has allowed many to take a step out of their routine and decide what is important for them, what is their truth, what type of vibrations do they want to surround themselves with and ultimately, give. I hope and pray that we never go “back” to the way that things were, because that way, as a whole, was not working. My wish for us all is that we take what we have learned during this timeframe and move forward with the knowledge, compassion and vibration to want to be better, want to be more loving, want to be more compassionate of our fellow humans and most importantly of ourselves.

This reset was not just a reset for Mother Earth, but for ourselves. With that being said, self-love has become in the forefront of many and as we learn to love ourselves, we can only rise above. Listening to our bodies when they are begging for rest. Listening to our hearts when human interaction is what we are craving and not via a cell phone. More socializing and less media. Listening to our soul when it is starving for self-love and taking the time to go within and get it.

This piece is strictly my thoughts and my journey and when, hopefully, someday. I have grandkids and they ask me about this time of my life, my answer will be this…it was a time when we were forced into an adult, time-out to reset ourselves and learn to look at the world from a higher perspective, tap into the things that felt right, appreciate the things that we had taken for granted: like hugs, spending time with friends and family, appreciating the comforts of home, sitting with ourselves and looking at all of the blessings that we have, instead of the “things” that we didn’t. An ultimately, looking at how the vibrations of many were compassionately inspired by the divine. It’s a new dawn…it’s a new day!




(484) 206-8140

7 N. Third Street

Easton, PA 18042

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